Discover Star Ferry

The Story

Central, Wanchai and Tsim Sha Tsui harbour fronts

The vehicle may carry you for the shortest ferry journey ever available in any world renowned cities. Its rank in Hong Kong’s history is absolutely not the smallest: the ferry used to be the mere means of transport for every resident to go from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon Peninsula. Now it becomes an emblem of the city’s most scenic harbour. What the coxswains and sailors sustain is not only a touristic service yet a moving piece of heritage. They are the storytellers who had genuine words to share about the dynamics of Hong Kong.


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How it works

  • Step 1

    Open Aurasma App

  • Step 2

    Scan the spot image

  • Step 3

    Double-tap the spot image to return to the site

Warning sign on boarding gate
Pillar after gate entrance
Seat back