Discover Man Mo Temple

The Story

124-126 Hollywood Road, Tai Ping Shan

This oldest temple in Hong Kong was built in 1847. The worship of Man-Tai (the Civil God) and Mo-Tai (the Military God) reflects the ancient Taoist tradition. Polytheism fosters Taoist believers to respect human notables as gods after their death. Man-Tai Cheung Ah Tse, born in 287A.D., enforced justice within the civil bureaucracy during the Jin dynasty as Mo-Tai Kwan Yue was one of the most known warriors of Three Kingdoms. Expressing the reverence towards these two characters, every component of the temple’s architecture and each object within reveal the Chinese artisanal dexterity.

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Characters on the wooden plate near entrance
Floral graphic on the pillar facing the altar
Charity box near the altar