Discover Chungking Mansions

The Story

36-44 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

A world-class international city.’ Internationality seems always to be valued as a merit of Hong Kong. However, not many visitors and residents of the city have recognised the depth of the term’s meaning. More than the ‘posh’, high-end restaurants and clubs in Central, there is actually another of the globalisation pendulum. The mansions are a compound of ethnicities. These businessmen, travellers, citizens, gastronomers…..are from all the continents around the globe. Its full-of-life atmosphere depicts a more down-to-earth, and even, wrestling picture under globalisation.


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How it works

  • Step 1

    Open Aurasma App

  • Step 2

    Scan the spot image

  • Step 3

    Double-tap the spot image to return to the site

Block directory (Owner’s Corporation)
Elevator, Block C
Elevator, Block A
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